Thursday, July 19, 2012


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The only way to get diamonds is to buy a VIP, to get more information, go to:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pumpchkin Doesn't Care?!?!?!

After every person in the club I was part of forming sent a message to pumpchkin warning her about anonmous it looked like she finally got them.  But she didn't react like I thought. She made an artbook saying that she wasn't scared of anonymous, that anonymous only hacks governmant things.  I know that is true but the thing is- when anonymous started.  Tons of anonymouses started! So all the hackers probably got an anonymous account to hack people!  Doesn't that make sense? And I know one of the anonymouses that can hack.  She was the one who made noises in the cafe rooms!  So Pumpchkin still has to watch her back!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Anonymous... Gone?

Some people are saying anonymous is gone! Nothing to worry about! Well, then you are wrong.  If you look at my latest artbook called "Save MSP from Anonymous" there you will see some information that will shock you, and when you find out the information I have!  And there is much more, go to the news page to see the updates I found out about anonymous and how I plan to stop her and her wicked ways.